now here 'x' stands for any materialistic or non-materialistic objects on earth!
so.. the value of vitamin M will be felt only in its absence!
now i dont want you guys to land up at any psychiatrist clinic after thinking for an incredibly longer period 'what 'M' stands for'. 'M' doesnt stand for Manju not Munna-bhai neither Michael-jackson nor Marriage.. 'M' stand for Money!
few days back i happened to meet some star of a big software firm who addressed to this vitamin as 'money-shani'.. this flashed in my mind within no time:

a general gyaan which comes out of everyone's stinkin a$$ is 'u should be happy with what you've'.. what a great phrase to be told(only to others)!
lack of 'm' leads to lots of chaos & depression. this is where lose-something-to-get-something funda comes into picture. see this & you'll know what it is:)

sometimes i feel if i would find some way out like this GP-pay-award-wheel.

if somebody like this exists in India, no need to depend on bosses for leave. everyday in a year will be a holiday!

but finally know what!! end up like this:)

***************************Added later*****************************
got to meet a friend yesterday.. who is of this heavenly nature.. next to Gandhi & Buddha. the meet was as good as salman meeting abhishek.. just had to pass time, so as usual i started yapping something! finally it ended up about the work..
i have been working on blah blah blah..
there i have to interact with blah blah blah!
people around me are like blah blah!
right now i'm earnin blah blah booh..
next year i've to earn blah blah much..!
if thats not the case, then i ve to blah blah..
PS: you can guess what all these 'blah-blahs & blah-boohs' stand for.. let your thinking waves flow & take all the directions! but its unfair if you close this page without penning 'em down:)
my heavely friend was listening to all my crap like how sonia would be listenin to musharraf.. n do you know the final word!!!!
"you've to be happy with what God gives you! if you stay unhappy this way He'll take back what He had given you also!"
my inner voice "WOW!! mann... idhadhaan tamizh-la solvaanga. yaana thaan thalaila manna vaari potukchunu!"..
as because there should be some pass time, i started telling all that, i sure wasnt cribbing about anything. like big piece of $hit sir started giving gyaan! ok what to do.. happens. took that also and walked-off!
Moral: Do not discuss things happening in your life with every other friend. That'll create wrong opinions about you! Be choosy.. else even you would tend to walk-off like me!
loos ponnu...465 bucks wasted...n u talkin abt vitamin M vaa..!!
funny female :p
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