Wednesday, September 27, 2006

All about this Blog!!

after writin a blog yesterday juz felt that i should've given a brief on wat this blog s & how its gonna be of some interest to al the bloggers around! so doin it now..
this blog would be simple & creative which wil spk bout al day-to-day happenings, views on public matters, bout movies, hang-outs, some of the hottest & coolest topics, some stupid stuff at times n the list goes on like tis!
keep bloggin! :)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Dictionary says "Compulsion is an uncontrollable impulse to perform an act, often repetitively, as an unconscious mechanism to avoid unacceptable ideas and desires which, by themselves, arouse anxiety."
Well! The topic just speaks about the day-to-day life a normal human comes across... in a new state "without knowing the particular language of the place"!
Ya... may be with people in the society who belong to doing small scale business, say a milkman or a dobby, communication will be a problem. Certainly, to converse wit them, there’s no need to know the high level version of the language wit the grammar... Few common words like when, how, how much, why etc., should do...
The main problem due to this comes into picture in a place where the human tends to spend the most part of his life! Basically work...

Only during this part of life, 90% of the population tends to migrate from their native place/state towards the state where his career calls him!

This guy carries a lot of dream about his future in the new career during his journey towards the new place providing not a single percent space in his mind & heart for any of the obstacles, for him working s not al that tough thing in life, that too when it comes to language -- he wouldn't have even thought of it once, that it would be a real head-eating he is going to face.. Al he thinks about this is 'anyways I very well know the language the entire world speaks, y to worry'!
He reaches the place, seeks for an auto. "I wanna goto 'x street, y road'" surprised to see the auto man saying "get in sir" in the guy's mother tongue, He feels so happy that there are people here who speaks his language too and so surviving is not going to be a problem...
He goes home... gets ready 4 work! The first day at work seems to move fine. In fact he is very much excited bout the company's policies & stuff...
Within a week he is put into a real-time project wherein he had to give his life & soul and work towards the deadline... The 1st day in the project too turns out to be fine as everyone out there is new to the project, as nobody knew the other person and so they converse in that language which the entire world can speak... The guy becomes even happier that the entire team is so friendly and lively!
Unfortunately this happiness is not lasting longer... as always! Soon when people get to know each other very well, this guy finds everyone's behavior changing drastically... on analysis he gets to know the very glad news that the rest of the team belong to the same place (language). al the time he has to and used to spend wit the team speaking & listening & enjoying, turns out to be the most unpleasant moments!!
He acquiesces the present situation, thinking that this will subside very soon as people would tend to understand gradually his mindset! He continues going for coffee, lunch, walk etc., with his so-called glorious team but the condition grows worse and the people around don't seem to bother, except 1 or 2, out of "sympathy" those 1 or 2 souls try to translate a sentence or 2 in the middle of a massive conversation!
The guy reaches the heights of frustration, left all alone out there and starts living a mechanical life. I wonder 'is this how humans are pushed to live a mechanical life!!"
The major thing that worries him is "with a milkman or a dobby, this problem of communication is agreeable, but how come with people who are supposed to be called "professionals"!!!! “
Don’t they realize that a single person out there will suffer or is it a big sin that he belongs to a different language category!!?? In every organization, the employees are given hi-fi workshops on professionalism and all that! Are they all abortive or they are conducted just for name-sake? Or does it mean our national leaders fought for our country’s independence just to see this sort of discrimination existing within the country itself? When I try to find an answer for all these queries arising in mind, it creates an immense mental pressure! A heartburn which really has no solemn medicine!!
Should the end of this poor guy who has been portrayed in my narration be that he should start finding people who belong to his own language or he should start learning the new language!!
Ya, fair enough... He should start learning the language which would be helpful for his survival very much! But again, for the time he's been in this new place, the guy did his best to understand the language partially, when it comes to speaking the language, it turns out to be a big problem! After all how long only a person can listen!!??

Or is it the only solution that he has to suffer until he learns to speak the language?

Agreed that everybody have been brought up in an environment where people have this superior view on their own language and state and of course, themselves. But I’m sure nobody was ever fed with any misleading comments on other creed. Each one is special in their own way and they carry their own values irrespective of state, caste, creed or language

I strongly believe that there can be no categorization existing depending on the state or language or even gender… But when people start categorizing someone based on their language or state, it automatically creates almost a similar impact on him. I mean when I constantly hear some phrase like “X* are like this”, within no time I’m forced to think “Ya, Y* are like this”. Newton's third law is applicable everywhere and this place is no exception too!

It hurts my inner conscience badly when I look back and think that I have developed a negative opinion about people who belong to a different state or race; that without my own knowledge, the belief which I had so far has changed in no time!!

*- people belong to a particular state say, tamilians, mallus, kannadigas etc.