I'm here @IIM-I.. for this fest IRIS '08
the whole trip was a lot of fun and enjoyment.
few of em would be worth mentioning..
1. met Anil Kumble in d onward flight from b'lore to Indore on Thursday! boy believe me, this guy seemed to be one of those coolest chapos on earth. wat an attitude! whoa!! Der was a stop over at Nagpur and he got down there. ppl say, he must be visiting Dravid. anyways it felt a bit drifted up inside :)
2. campus is not like the A/B campuses. pretty far off from the city.. crossing all the villages, plains n fields it took around 25 minute to be inside the campus by car. the typical north Indian villages which i haven't greatly observed during my Calcutta trip (Oh sorry, its Kolkata.. somehow i don't like to get adapted to these kinda new names, Chennai-Mumbai-Kolkata .. n d most horrible Bengalooru!!! :x) seemed to be a treat for the eyes.
3. Thursday noon-eve wasn't much.. meeting friends, walking through the campus. i must admit the campus has some great buildings which exemplifies the real IIM feel.. hihglight the dinner with his 'gang' here, at 'Mashaal', they said that its one of 'the' restaurants here. but only after i landed there i could weigh the real standard.. prolly of the entire city's :p yep .. n d dinner went with the usual questions. 'tell us something about 'v'', 'where do u see urself (both of u tog) 5 years down the line' and such typical MBA Qs :D n then came this b$ Q: 'how can u ever go for tis.. tis.. after al tis face'. n tis smart 'D' came wit an spontaneous reply 'cuz of course, she dint meet me before him' vevev.. when i told em, 'mann.. its such a tough q to take' 'v' came back with an immediate damn 'was it so tuf' :p.. but then, to talk it over. particularly people who are of pretty higher standards is kind of tough and being the typical Southie we are not really used to such things, at least tats not my cup of tea.
4. ok.. now the real fest experience:
mann.. i must tell u, this place is al lit up, alive n running only after 10 in the night. the real participation, enthusiasm and to a greater extent partying all sees a mid night oil being burnt heavily on the floors. when they say 'chalo.. lets do tat in the evening'. it simply implies that they would start it at 12AM n that's their evening.
alright.. my day as well started at 12PM just like the other junta here. me n 'Y' went for the guest lecture. some senior manager from JP Morgan was there talking about 'slowdown- opportunity or threat for the Indian IT/ITES industry'. the guy concluded saying, its an opportunity when you look at a long term. still i couldn't gather a great deal of info out of it.
n in the evening, went for an event 'cerebrate marketing' - a case study stuff. man, i felt like kicking tis fella's a$$ out who belonged to tis event's organizing committee, a pgp2 guy, listening to his intro of the chief guest, a marketing manager from Conagra. wat a poor compering skills one can possess. I just remembered a moment after my English recitation in my school competition, a teacher told me 'when u talk.. when u talk, the person who is dozing off should get up.. upright n sit back listening to u; shouldn't take the highly alive guy to a zombie mode'. the intro was as simple as the later part.
n then came the participants- 6 teams of 2 each. the teams had horrible presentation skills. like they had PPTs and i had to really go, search for the points there. many of them have written stories and were just trying to read out what was return, felt a lot lack of preps. and the English.. it sucked except for a gal from IIT-D and another guy from Great Lakes.. there were so many fillers, grammatical errors, so on and so forth. there was team from xl and these guys had done some great great analysis, a row of block/bar/Venn diags, a lot of strategies, so much numbers etc etc but the judge commented that the analysis-problem solving-agenda in isolation is good, but then they are not able to draw a thread through those 3 and get a conclusion for the actual prob stated. btw, one of this team members was an ex-colleague of mine!
i get highly irritated when people don't have even the basic communication skills, this happens a lot at my work too. i mean if u can't even talk it out properly why try all such stuff man, just be at home.. i actually doubt the whole Indian standard itself when it comes to this, i mean commo' man, where are we heading to! lacking even the simplest things, u gonna be a future leader, how many laloos the world would want going forward. it was highly disappointing considering such facts.
the best things in this (class)room were:
1. the seating, split AC
2. the neatly made curtains
3. the digital clock right opposite to the projector wall, so that the profs can know the time while in class.
4. the laptop cases etc..
now something on a good note.
we just came out of this room and took a walk towards the Audi and there was this game going on. Each participant will go on stage and they will be played a video. the guy will have to come up with a title and the idea behind it relating to the video shown. it was simple amazing, spontaneous and creative. i could see a lot of brains except for a real few crap. the prof who gave an ending note was worth a mention. this guy spoke and that's the standard. i could see the amount of experience and knowledge and the reason why are these instis put on the head everywhere still. he mentioned that he is an avid reader of historical stuff and going to such places. man, i could see it in what he spoke. Great!
n then came the CULTicon. this one was one of the most expected events among the auds.. the final round it was and the event is actually, people can show the talents they have and how much could they impress the judges and auds, with humour, of course. there were 4 finalists and each of them had done a good job. A guy from IIM-S took away the trophy and the prize money of 1L. cool bum :)
the part that needs a mention here is the prof who gave the ending note yet again. he seemed to be in his 40 something. and the enthusiasm he showed on the stage. hell. would such things too happen somewhere!? i have never experienced at least. like.. he sings a song from some 1960's and with so much of energy, passion and enthu.. the whole audi follows him, singing like the rhymes being taught.. ppl enjoying their a$$es out. cool show.
meanwhile there was a video competition, wherein ppl got to make videos and submit. 'v's junta with 'k' as dada took up this as 'k' is a man of video making ;) so the video revolves around how a highly frustrated guy taking up things ahead in life. they had a small shot where this guy should be rejected by his gal friend and that's where i went in. it was so much of fun and the video won the prize with 5k cash award :D
after which i was back to the room to hit the bed. cuz it was already past 12. n me and this mid night oil have broke up pretty long time back. 'v' had something going on til 3 in the morning it seems and these guys bounce back on the floor by 8 8.30. something really great. i mean once in a while thats fine. but tis is the routine, then its really not for me!
so.. overall a great experience so far.
I'm signing off with a lot of expectations :)
the whole trip was a lot of fun and enjoyment.
few of em would be worth mentioning..
1. met Anil Kumble in d onward flight from b'lore to Indore on Thursday! boy believe me, this guy seemed to be one of those coolest chapos on earth. wat an attitude! whoa!! Der was a stop over at Nagpur and he got down there. ppl say, he must be visiting Dravid. anyways it felt a bit drifted up inside :)
2. campus is not like the A/B campuses. pretty far off from the city.. crossing all the villages, plains n fields it took around 25 minute to be inside the campus by car. the typical north Indian villages which i haven't greatly observed during my Calcutta trip (Oh sorry, its Kolkata.. somehow i don't like to get adapted to these kinda new names, Chennai-Mumbai-Kolkata .. n d most horrible Bengalooru!!! :x) seemed to be a treat for the eyes.
3. Thursday noon-eve wasn't much.. meeting friends, walking through the campus. i must admit the campus has some great buildings which exemplifies the real IIM feel.. hihglight the dinner with his 'gang' here, at 'Mashaal', they said that its one of 'the' restaurants here. but only after i landed there i could weigh the real standard.. prolly of the entire city's :p yep .. n d dinner went with the usual questions. 'tell us something about 'v'', 'where do u see urself (both of u tog) 5 years down the line' and such typical MBA Qs :D n then came this b$ Q: 'how can u ever go for tis.. tis.. after al tis face'. n tis smart 'D' came wit an spontaneous reply 'cuz of course, she dint meet me before him' vevev.. when i told em, 'mann.. its such a tough q to take' 'v' came back with an immediate damn 'was it so tuf' :p.. but then, to talk it over. particularly people who are of pretty higher standards is kind of tough and being the typical Southie we are not really used to such things, at least tats not my cup of tea.

4. ok.. now the real fest experience:
mann.. i must tell u, this place is al lit up, alive n running only after 10 in the night. the real participation, enthusiasm and to a greater extent partying all sees a mid night oil being burnt heavily on the floors. when they say 'chalo.. lets do tat in the evening'. it simply implies that they would start it at 12AM n that's their evening.
alright.. my day as well started at 12PM just like the other junta here. me n 'Y' went for the guest lecture. some senior manager from JP Morgan was there talking about 'slowdown- opportunity or threat for the Indian IT/ITES industry'. the guy concluded saying, its an opportunity when you look at a long term. still i couldn't gather a great deal of info out of it.
n in the evening, went for an event 'cerebrate marketing' - a case study stuff. man, i felt like kicking tis fella's a$$ out who belonged to tis event's organizing committee, a pgp2 guy, listening to his intro of the chief guest, a marketing manager from Conagra. wat a poor compering skills one can possess. I just remembered a moment after my English recitation in my school competition, a teacher told me 'when u talk.. when u talk, the person who is dozing off should get up.. upright n sit back listening to u; shouldn't take the highly alive guy to a zombie mode'. the intro was as simple as the later part.
n then came the participants- 6 teams of 2 each. the teams had horrible presentation skills. like they had PPTs and i had to really go, search for the points there. many of them have written stories and were just trying to read out what was return, felt a lot lack of preps. and the English.. it sucked except for a gal from IIT-D and another guy from Great Lakes.. there were so many fillers, grammatical errors, so on and so forth. there was team from xl and these guys had done some great great analysis, a row of block/bar/Venn diags, a lot of strategies, so much numbers etc etc but the judge commented that the analysis-problem solving-agenda in isolation is good, but then they are not able to draw a thread through those 3 and get a conclusion for the actual prob stated. btw, one of this team members was an ex-colleague of mine!
i get highly irritated when people don't have even the basic communication skills, this happens a lot at my work too. i mean if u can't even talk it out properly why try all such stuff man, just be at home.. i actually doubt the whole Indian standard itself when it comes to this, i mean commo' man, where are we heading to! lacking even the simplest things, u gonna be a future leader, how many laloos the world would want going forward. it was highly disappointing considering such facts.
the best things in this (class)room were:
1. the seating, split AC
2. the neatly made curtains
3. the digital clock right opposite to the projector wall, so that the profs can know the time while in class.
4. the laptop cases etc..
now something on a good note.
we just came out of this room and took a walk towards the Audi and there was this game going on. Each participant will go on stage and they will be played a video. the guy will have to come up with a title and the idea behind it relating to the video shown. it was simple amazing, spontaneous and creative. i could see a lot of brains except for a real few crap. the prof who gave an ending note was worth a mention. this guy spoke and that's the standard. i could see the amount of experience and knowledge and the reason why are these instis put on the head everywhere still. he mentioned that he is an avid reader of historical stuff and going to such places. man, i could see it in what he spoke. Great!
n then came the CULTicon. this one was one of the most expected events among the auds.. the final round it was and the event is actually, people can show the talents they have and how much could they impress the judges and auds, with humour, of course. there were 4 finalists and each of them had done a good job. A guy from IIM-S took away the trophy and the prize money of 1L. cool bum :)
the part that needs a mention here is the prof who gave the ending note yet again. he seemed to be in his 40 something. and the enthusiasm he showed on the stage. hell. would such things too happen somewhere!? i have never experienced at least. like.. he sings a song from some 1960's and with so much of energy, passion and enthu.. the whole audi follows him, singing like the rhymes being taught.. ppl enjoying their a$$es out. cool show.
meanwhile there was a video competition, wherein ppl got to make videos and submit. 'v's junta with 'k' as dada took up this as 'k' is a man of video making ;) so the video revolves around how a highly frustrated guy taking up things ahead in life. they had a small shot where this guy should be rejected by his gal friend and that's where i went in. it was so much of fun and the video won the prize with 5k cash award :D
after which i was back to the room to hit the bed. cuz it was already past 12. n me and this mid night oil have broke up pretty long time back. 'v' had something going on til 3 in the morning it seems and these guys bounce back on the floor by 8 8.30. something really great. i mean once in a while thats fine. but tis is the routine, then its really not for me!
so.. overall a great experience so far.
I'm signing off with a lot of expectations :)
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