For the past 1 year, I was caught in the hands of a lady animal, as crude as a mother-in-law who comes in this story which you would've read in newspapers often.. "girl set herself on fire... prolonged harassment by mother-in-law!". No, you are wrong! I'm still single. I'm freed from my previous house owner Bit**! Now New place, new roomies, very good food. May be I'll blow up a lil more in the next few months, Hope so.. Need to get married yaar; For how long only can I be single :D So tough you know!!
How tough is telling a 'no' to people. that too to somebody whom you are really close and show utmost respect to! I'm not able to believe when some story like 'RHTDM' happens with myself. No, the guy aint Madhavan, for I'm not Diya:p but ya.. better than him in all possible ways! Me like a fish out of water. I used to wonder when people say that they are not able to have good sleep, proper food and blah-blah if they are really crazy enough to do all that. Now I wonder if this is called being closer to this four letter word H-E-L-L!
One thing I can beat upon is that few people say on few things that they would never do it, but nobody can ever be stubborn with this funda. Every damn soul on earth is pushed to a situation where they have to break this ward and come out doing what they beat once that they would never do it on earth!
Yet another farewell, my lovely way of referring him 'macha'. Gone for his MBA to SIBM. A meaningful mail he wrote to me when I asked him why would he go for this institute and that if he is like a dog starving for the bone, just getting in somewhere while he deserves something bigger than this. Though I know his lovely character before, the mail increased my love and respect towards him. Lots of people live a real meaningful life too not like just for the heck of it!
check this out: we gifted him a Fast Track watch on his farewell. we love you mann! miss you lots.
There is this guy here who is now a father of a 3rd child! For the first 2 kids my manager sent a mail to the team saying that 'Mr.X is blessed with a baby so n so. congrats'. But this time nobody seemed to ever remember and our Mr.X mailed all of us himself saying that 'My wife delivered a baby blah-blah'. I'm sorry, not tryin to make fun. Just that when things happen repetitively people tend to forget the importance of it and this case its really too much!! Loll :))
I see this guy and wonder always why dont I write a post which speaks on one single thing! Tough to achieve it, anyways will keep trying. Hey I'm not a jealous goose :|
Wow, I'm honoured --- honestly!
And puhleeaz post about the RHTDM kissa in your life in better detail: I'm sure it will make at least a couple of juicy posts ;)
P.S. - Best of luck in finding your prince charming! :)
Hope u have time to write blog from ur busy schedule. Ur blog talks about onething thats abt. ur self. Except the previous one about health. Quite intresting to read Something like sidney sheldom??
Just like name of ur Blog jaNuM ConfIdeNtiAl.... Lots of things are hidden Thats Confidential.. That makes more intresting to read.. So Friend, keep on writing....
Best of Luck. Convey my Regards to "Macha". All the best for his MBA.
yes. u r! look out for the juicy posts down the line soon..
thanx v much! tis s the reason i wanna keep it confidential, else i cant write out myself!
me lookin f/w for sth to happen which is in the process now. next post will be aft tat :)
hmmmmmm......... My best wishes are with u.. All the best for all happenings......
if i guess Rite is it hav u found Mr. Rite....??
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